Evolution- 2020 TENTATIVE Schedule
Jan. 9 Introduction
Jan. 10 Basic evolutionary principles
Jan. 15 Basic evolutionary principles
Jan. 17 Natural selection / genetic drift
Jan. 22 Natural selection/genetic drift. Maintenance of variation 1
Jan. 24 Maintenance of variation two
Jan. 29 Adaptation Homework three
Jan. 31 Adaptation
Feb. 5 Classification
Feb. 7 Exam one
Homework for Feb. 12.
Feb.12 Classification, Rubric for presentations
Feb.14 Speciation and Punctuated Equilibrium
Feb.19 Homework on bird evolution due.
Review------ Speciation and punctuated Equilibrium
Movies questions Please view film and hand in as homework for next Wednesday.
Feb. 21 We are not meeting today
Movies questions due Feb. 26th.
Feb. 26 Coevolution
Activity: Summarizing examples of using comparative studies.
Feb. 28 Coevolution: Mutualism
March 4 Units of selection
Your presentation topics and references are due today.
March 6 Exam two
March 11 Spring Break
March 13 Spring Break
March 18 Spring Break
March 20 Spring Break
March 25 Changes to Syllabus and Schedule---available as Doc
March 27 Units of selection
Apr. 1 Homework due on units.
Apr. 3 Sexual reproduction
Homework and Study guide for sexual reproduction.
Apr. 8 Work on homework for sexual reproduction.
Apr. 10 Homework due on sexual reproduction. (Get it in when you can.)
Apr. 15 Since we no longer meet, I have provided study guides for units material. The answers provided would be answers that on the exam would earn full credit for that particular question.
I picked these from homework submitted to illustrate correct answers, not perfect or even the "best" answers, so you can compare these to your answers for homework questions. Remember in this class homework is graded on effort, not on the correctness of your answers, so please check your answers by comparing them to the answers provided.
General concepts----------------Bee-eaters----------------Naked mole rats------------Vampire bats.
Apr. 17 Sexual selection
Apr. 22 Homework due on sexual selection. Any take home portion of final posted.
Extinction and its role in resetting evolutionary trends as part of a take home exam?
Apr. 24 Reading day
April 27-29 Final Exam: Consists of short moodle quizzes and possibly a take home exam.